One of the major plots of the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade revolves around the search for the Fountain of Youth — some magical elixir that causes a person to live forever. I watched this movie years ago, fascinated by the concept that something as simple as a sip of water could restore the vitality of those who drank from it. Why the obsession? I wondered.
Many decades, a thriving company and a few kids later, I get the allure. Not because I wish to live forever, but because who wouldn’t want boundless amounts of mental and physical fuel?
You could say our pursuit for this mythical fountain persists, only under a different name: energy. Nearly two years into this pandemic, we all want it.
In writing for The New Yorker, Nick Paumgarten aptly describes this elusive quality: “You know it when you got it, and even more when you don’t,” he says. “This is the enthusiasm and vigor you feel inside yourself, the kind you might call chi, after the ancient Chinese life force or the pronouncements of the storefront acupuncturist.”
As an entrepreneur, I am no stranger to the tiredness and fatigue Paumgarten speaks of. “For months, during the main pandemic stretch, I’d get inexplicably tired in the afternoon, as though vital organs and muscles had turned to Styrofoam,” he writes. “Just sitting in front of a computer screen, in sweatpants and socks, left me drained.”
There’s this myth in the business world that we shouldn’t share our struggles; that we should always maintain the appearance of strength — otherwise, our careers and reputations could be at stake. But I think there’s an error in keeping our challenges under wraps. It’s human to feel the weight of everything we’ve lived through — to have days when our overwhelm feels palpable.
Every day I’m confronted with tasks that pulse with urgency, hundreds of emails awaiting my reply — an overflow of requests and decisions to make.
In my early days of building Jotform, I’d often joke that I needed a clone. But what I’ve learned since is that it’s not more “fuel” we need — it’s to stop seeking more energy in order to hit peak productivity.
What we badly need is balance.
“The key to success at work and in life isn’t really starting strong, it’s staying strong,” writes Harvard Business Review contributor Elizabeth Grace Saunders.
Almost anyone can muster enough gumption for a short burst of high-energy effort, she says. “But what about after that initial burst? Do you still feel the same a few months or even a year into your new job, goal, or project? Have you abandoned your ambitions? Do you continue to push on while fighting signs of fatigue or burnout? Or do you wildly vacillate between hyper-productivity and getting nothing done?”
Creating that staying power, according to Saunders, is about managing our time wisely to avoid burning out.
In Greg McKeown’s book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, he asks us to pause and ask: Am I investing in the right activities?
“Essentialism,” McKeown writes, “is not about how to get more things done; it’s about how to get the right things done. It doesn’t mean just doing less for the sake of less either. It is about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy in order to operate at your highest point of contribution by doing only what is essential.”
We live in a society that is always pushing for more. Distractions abound, so it’s only natural that we believe our reserves to be limited. Because we feel incapable of doing everything, we read endless articles on how to “hack” our energy levels — how to boost our productivity to do all the things.
But I’d like to suggest this paradigm shift — behind our never-ending pursuit for that mythical fountain of energy, is this: an obsession with perfectionism and work addiction.
When the bar for what we need to get done keeps getting higher, we’ll never be enough. That’s why the way of the Essentialist advocates for clarity and understanding the reality of tradeoffs: We can’t have it all or do it all.
Which leaves us with this core question: What really matters?
As much as entrepreneurs are driven and self-motivated to achieve success, they also need to grasp the value that our time is a limited resource.
At Jotform and in my personal life, balance is critical for ensuring a healthy culture. But maintaining those boundaries has been a process.
In the beginning of building my company, I didn’t model the best behavior — answering emails long into the night and on weekends, always being “on.” But to show an example of how we’ve evolved over the years: I now ask that all employees erase Slack from their phone.
My concern isn’t for my team to have “more energy” but to use their peak hours on what’s most essential — on what matters most.
“To have staying power, you need to keep your work within sustainable boundaries — and you need to work at a sustainable pace,” Saunders encourages. “There are days when back-to-back meetings are necessary or when you need to go from task to task to task. But for most people, this strategy doesn’t have long-term viability.”
We need breathing room — whether by designating a no-meeting Thursday, blocking out a 30 minute window to take a stroll outside in the sun, or taking a week off to fully recover — this is the balance needed to have that staying power.
This is what I know for sure: “Hacking” energy is a sexy trend. But restful, rejuvenating downtime is the true elixir for living a healthier, happier life.
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In today's competitive market, businesses are constantly seeking ways to grow and succeed. One of the most important factors linked with business success is the..
Unlocking Career Opportunities: Your Guide to Finding Jobs in Cyprus Cyprus has some exciting career opportunities in recent years, making our island a better place..
In today's competitive job market, hiring managers face the difficult challenge of finding the perfect candidate who possesses both the necessary technical proficiency and the..
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Getting closer to the end of the year, as a recruitment agency in Cyprus, we would like to share some of our predictions about the..
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Employee Well Being - HR Function which evolves to a full time dedicated role for Organizations who invest in their employees. HR Executives are giving..
An activity that a person devotes a significant amount of their life to and that gives opportunities for progress is referred to as a career...
In today's dynamic job market, the role of HR leaders has undergone a profound transformation. No longer confined to managing benefits, training and compliance issues,..
When it comes to hiring someone for their team, nearly every employer likely already has an image of their ideal candidate in mind. Whether it’s..
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It's no secret that a company cannot operate successfully without productive employees. What are you doing for yours? As a company, Twitter excels at employee..
Some could easily argue that the human resources (HR) department is not a "revenue-generating" service. We don't create new products, interface with the traditional customer daily, or..
Developing an active HR function in your business show that you value your employees and their business in your enterprise Growing startups and small and..
Nothing is better for the bottom line than employees who are motivated to work for psychic benefits. Are you looking for ways to motivate your..
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The power of one is mesmerizing. We don't realize it, but it can change how we see things. It can help us focus and help..
Businesses used to have a relatively easy time finding talented employees to fill all their job vacancies. That changed in 2021 when 47.4 million workers voluntarily..
As a startup founder, you’d usually spend a large part of your time trying to get various people to do new things. On one side,..
“Why do we keep following the process if it doesn’t work?” You’ve probably heard something to the effect of this before or have even said..
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It happens all the time. You start out the day with great intentions to get that financial report done or to work on your marketing..
Since the pandemic started, HR professionals have had to juggle retaining their current employees while also attracting new talent. Employees have more options than ever..
Some jobs have very clear lines between when you’re “on” and when you’re “off,” while in others the lines are blurred — or potentially nonexistent...
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Loneliness is the top reason why nearly half of the remote workforce wants to return to the office after COVID-19. Here are six tactics to..
The summer vacation season may be behind us, but the holidays are right around the corner. And soon enough your colleagues may be asking you..
In today’s ever-moving, practically nonstop working world, many people struggle with setting healthy boundaries. With working from home the new norm for so many, it’s..
We’ve all been there. You email someone asking for a conversation, information, input, or an introduction, and you get no response. Whether you are reaching..
Whether you’re looking to leave your current position for an opportunity that your company couldn't offer, or perhaps for a completely new career, or a..
Leading and living with empathy has never been more important in our world than right now. Empathy is the ability to identify with the challenges that..
There’s that project you’ve left on the backburner – the one with the deadline that’s growing uncomfortably near. And there’s the client whose phone call..
What does it take to become a successful entrepreneur? Vision, forward-thinking, risk-taking abilities, determination, hard work, dedication, a good game plan…. Most of us are aware..
It’s time to face the situation and to find out what you can do in order to break the dangerous cycles. Here are 5 main..
For many people, giving and receiving feedback can be incredibly stressful. When you have poured your heart and soul into your work, having someone offer..
Early in my corporate career, I was masterful at replying to emails instantaneously and staying on top of the multitude of requests I received from..
I started my career in academia, where mentoring bright young minds is commonplace. Years later, mentoring and coaching others was one of the best parts..
I’ve been thinking a lot about dessert lately. What’s the most memorable, delicious bite of dessert you’ve ever tasted? Chances are, it wasn’t a store-bought, plastic-wrapped ball..
When was the last date you took a vacation? Did you know that not taking a break also has consequences? The Mexican startup Worky, a..
Here's how to jumpstart your career and achieve meaningful success by age 30. It’s no secret that with age, comes wisdom (generally speaking). Over the years, I’ve..
The summer season can make it hard to focus on work. And if you work from home, it is that much more challenging. For example,..
Email is an extremely useful communication tool in business. Less intrusive than a phone call, email is convenient and fast. It empowers entrepreneurs to run..
There's never been a more critical time to address our national obsession with work – now, following one of the most stressful periods in recent history, is..
Did you know that Beyonce’s shy? Most people don’t expect this, because she’s so hugely successful and we tend to equate success with outgoing people...
You may find this article stressful. At least, I hope you will. Because stress isn’t something to avoid or flee: it’s a sign that we’re..
The power of one is mesmerizing. We don't realize it, but it can change how we see things. It can help us focus and help..
If there’s one thing the pandemic has brought into clear focus, it’s what each of us considers important—especially at work. Diversity, equity and inclusion, and..
Faced with increasing challenges, there are new shifts and changes in today’s corporate world. High levels of competition, new technological advances, demographic adjustments, political turbulence,..
If you’re anything like me, you’ve found yourself in a situation like this a few times over the last year. A friend invites you to..
Summary. What’s the first thing you focus on when applying to a new role or looking for a job? If you said job title, you’re..
I got into management earlier than many of my friends and colleagues, and now I find myself becoming the go-to resource for when they're struggling..
How to adopt the “us versus the problem” rather than a “you versus me” mind-set. Your first step in resolving a conflict should be to..
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Fascinated by habits and patterns, I started to observe and pay attention to find value in my day-to-day activities — the ones we always do..
You can hire the best team in the world, but if they can't communicate well, you won't get very far. A business owner I know..
Raising awareness is the key to inclusion. We’re all fighting against centuries of conscious and unconscious bias in the workplace. The first step is acknowledging..
People-pleasers often find themselves doing things they don’t want to do and putting the needs of others ahead of their own. When they’re asked to do..
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People who are on the job hunt regularly feel dejected and disenchanted with the interview process. They'll point to a multitude of reasons as to..
“It’s a new goal-setting framework.” That was one of my large enterprise clients’ attempt at an inspirational rallying cry for their rollout of Objectives and..
If you want to do your best work, and have the best time, you have to be the best version of yourself. Consistently, prolifically; the..
What do you do? It’s a question that comes up repeatedly at both virtual and in-person networking events. It’s a dreaded question. You tell people..
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“I blew it,” said my client, Deborah, a sales exec with a mid-sized tech company. Her conversation with another executive had not gone very well...
When you’re on the job hunt or navigating the upward trajectory of your career, sometimes you just need a little pep talk. It can be..
Previous studies have suggested that people who engage in helping others are happier and have better mental and physical health than those who don’t spend..
Back in the day, company leadership would decree their mission and hand down their goals to all their employees. While a few companies still do..
People have been furloughed or let go at alarming rates these past few months. Never before has the job market experienced this type of shift...
Arguably, mornings are the most important part of the day. They can springboard us into a day filled with productivity and inspiration or trigger our..
“Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone,” goes the song. For decades, singers have crooned about the power of smiling..
As we put July firmly in the rearview mirror and enter August, I can’t help but reflect on how unique this month is every year...
Here’s How You Can Be Indispensable At Work During the pandemic as workers adjusted to working from home as many people work even harder than..
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10 Things You Need To Know To Win In Business And Life “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are..
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Recruiters Share 9 Mistakes Job Seekers Are Making Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic Beyond the enormous human toll coronavirus has had over the past few weeks,..
Your Words Have Impact, So Think Before You Speak Do you know of those people who fly off the handle without stopping to think about..
In a difficult job market, you may find yourself needing to consider job openings that wouldn’t be on your radar during normal times. While all..
How To Job Hunt During The Coronavirus Pandemic Caroline CastrillonContributorCareersI write about career, entrepreneurship and women’s advancement. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, over..
Now’s The Time To Build A Virtual Super-Team. Here’s How. Before the SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 outbreak, millions of Americans worked from home. Suddenly, tens of..
The Art Of Working Remotely: How To Ensure Productivity Working remotely isn’t a new concept. People in all kinds of career fields have been doing..
The Key To Carrying Out A Productive And Effective Job Search In my experience as a career coach, I have found that people who are..
Your Company Might Offer High Salaries, But Does It Have Soul? It’s a well-established stereotype that large-scale companies are about as approachable as a concrete..
3 Ways To Promote Yourself And Advance Your Career For Free In today’s digital world, if you don’t have a stellar social media presence, you..
Hire Without Looking At A Resume We’re all more than what’s on our resume. But while a lot of leaders pay lip service to that..
8 Things You Should Not Do In Meetings Meetings are perhaps the most powerful personal branding tool there is—when you master them. They also make..
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Resolution Hacks That Actually Work It’s that time of year again, when we all make New Year's resolutions. But will this year be any different..
Move Over, Work-Life Balance. Hello, Work-Life ‘Integration’ As a busy executive, Margaret Keane has had to find creative ways to fit time with her family..
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How To Spend Your Working Day Wisely And Actually Get Things Done Time doesn’t discriminate. The CEO of a Fortune 500 company with an overloaded..
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Four Myths You Should Ignore If You Want To Advance Your Career In today’s competitive corporate landscape, standing still is equivalent to moving backward. No..
Six Sacred Rules For Personal Branding In The Digital World Everything has gone digital – including you. The move to all things digital may have..
3 Things You Need To Know About An October Job Search Seasonal timing has a large impact on a job search. It can work in..
Belonging At Work Is Essential—Here Are 4 Ways To Foster It In the complex study of human psychology, one finding is remarkably consistent: our well-being..
How To Avoid The Five Emotional Pitfalls Of A Job Search Spoiler alert: your job search will be anxiety-inducing, frustrating, and at times, painful. It..
Summer's Over: Here's Why It's The Best Time For Job Seekers And Hiring Managers To Act Now Labor Day has come and gone, which means..
11 Signs You're Not Managing Your Calendar Effectively Time to admit there's a better way to stay on top of your appointments. If you’re like..
How To Make A Great First Impression At Your New Job You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it count...
How To Connect With Your Company's Purpose And Values Some employees feel fully inspired by their company's mission, vision and values. But they don’t just mindlessly glug the Kool-Aid—they connect on a deep,..
4 Reasons You Should Keep Up Your Job Search During the Holidays Now that the holidays are upon us, you may be considering taking a..
What Not To Do After A Job Interview The waiting period after a job interview can be one of the most stressful times. You’ve done..
Why Attitude Is More Important Than IQ When it comes to success, it’s easy to think that people blessed with brains are inevitably going to..
Video Interviewing: Lights, Camera -- But No Connection Nothing screams “personal” more than you on a 20-inch video monitor, beaming in from a remote location..
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A Career Summer Checkup For Professional Growth Whether you’re graduating college or gearing up for your first fiscal year-end performance conversation, the summer months represent..
6 Steps To Unleash Your Inner Polymath And Thrive At Work In a previous article I explored some of the virtues of striving for a..
The One Daily Action That Will Make You More Successful And Happier At Work In our fast-paced world where we have more to do than..
Congratulations! You got the job. Now for the hard part: deciding whether to accept it or not. How should you assess the salary as well..
What It Takes To Be A Great Employee: The Parable Of The Oranges Being a great employee pays off with better positions, higher pay, and..
10 Essential Strategies To Succeed In Your First Job Congratulations, graduate! After the exhausting and stressful process of finishing school, searching for and landing your..
When You Start a New Job, Pay Attention to These 5 Aspects of Company Culture When you join an organization, you have a short window..
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Here's How To Recover From A Career Setback Whether you’ve botched an interview question, cancelled an important meeting last-minute or missed a typo in an..
8 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Job Search Following certain best practices can make or break you in your quest for the right job. Some bad..
Here’s what recruiters look for on a candidate’s social media profile Maintaining the right balance between being professional and being yourself on social media can..
14 Things You Should Never, Ever Say In A Job Interview It’s always intimidating to interview for a new job, whether you’re fresh out of..
How To Answer Why You Left (Or Want to Leave) Your Employer If you want the job, don't reveal this. Job interviews are designed to..
Here's how to write a LinkedIn summary that could help you land your dream job, according to a marketing director at LinkedIn You might approach..
Why Great Employees Leave “Great Cultures” “We have a great culture.” We have all heard it. We have all said it. But what does that..
Recruitment in Cyprus - Thoughts and Ideas from Advance Career Team Read the detailed interview published on TopJobsCyprus website and share your comments and ideas!..
How To Find Career Clarity Using Three Top Career Theories Feeling like you need to make a career pivot because your job isn’t a good..
Are your employees integrators or segmentors? An organization has both integrators and segmentors. Being a segmentor is a tough ask. If you choose to be..
What Motivates You to Work? That paycheck will never be big enough if it's the only reason you're going to work. Each of us respond..
Updating Your Résumé Might Mean Updating Yourself It seems like a total no-brainer: you should update your résumé and online profiles when you are job..
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How To Bounce Back When The Job Search Gets You Down With a dream job in mind, an updated résumé in hand and responses to..
When 'What Happens In Vegas' Ends Up In Your Job Search What happens in Vegas really doesn’t stay there. That “funny” picture about that..
How To Improve Productivity For Yourself And Your Team This Summer July and August are historically bad months for productivity. It might be the warm..
How To Develop More Emotionally Intelligent Employees In the quest to develop leaders who will foster a culture of equity and inclusion in the workplace,..
The Difference Between People Who Succeed and People Who Flop Successful people charge forward, take calculated risks, and come out on top because of it...
5 Steps to Hiring the Right People for Your Business "Hire slow, fire fast" is great advice, but it's not always easy to follow. The..
4 Entry-Level Jobs That Will Prep You for Entrepreneurial Success Success is a journey, not a destination, so think hard about where to start. Entrepreneurship..
Work-Life Balance Is Simple. To Succeed at Work, Get a Life. With the right balance of health and business, entrepreneurs can maximize productivity. The Organization..
Inclusion Doesn’t Mean Including Everything and Everyone Inclusiveness is not about thought policing. It’s also not about turning everyone into a liberal. It’s a normal..
You Were Promoted To A Leadership Role But You Feel Unprepared - Don't Panic You’ve been at the job for years. As much as you..
This Is the No. 1 Reason Why People Fail at Switching Jobs (and What to Do About It) There's a reason changing careers is so..
Why a Coffee Shop Will Probably Be Your Workspace Within 10 Years As the gig economy grows, there are both social and scientific reasons why..
Didn't Get Your Dream Job? This 1 Technique Could Get You a Second Chance Every job seeker experiences this at least once, if not several..
11 Expert Tips To Make 2018 Your Most Productive Year Ever Could eating cake for breakfast and never listening to your voicemail help you get..
How to Set Your Career Goals for 2018 and Achieve Them Each New Year offers the opportunity for a fresh start—and that includes your career...
Will You Be Leading an HR Function in 2024? Here are five things to look at to examine and determine if you’ve got what it..
What Is Your Impact? We keep throwing this word around called "impact." Do you know what your impact is and how would you define, discover,..
LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner's 3 Best Pieces of Career Advice Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn's CEO, has had nothing short of a successful career. After graduating from..
Why You Should Consider Working For A Small Company Eighty-four percent of small-business employees are happy in their current job, according to the 2017 Aflac..
Nine Things You Should and Shouldn't Do If You Lose Your Job Most of us wouldn’t think to associate the words "joblessness" and "fun," but..
Why Risk Is A Necessary Component To A Successful Career - And How To Balance Risk With Reward Taking at least some risk is necessary..
Top 10 Benefits Of A Workplace Wellness Program When Google opened up in the 90s it took a unique approach to employee satisfaction. In an..
It's all about potential: how to write a CV with no work experience Follow these tips to stand out among competing candidates – from research..
Being Too Busy for Friends Won’t Help Your Career Friendship matters. Everything we do to succeed in our careers is improved when we’re supported by..
Think Strategically About Your Career Development In a world where the average employee sends and receives 122 emails per day and attends an average of..
How To Advance Your Career In A Crappy Entry-Level Job Yes, you can still bring yourself one step closer to snagging that dream job even..
Interviews are generally regarded as the primary decision-making event in any recruitment process. Regardless of your academic credentials or career thus far, it is crucial..
Studies have shown that structured interviewing is more than twice as reliable a predictor of future employee performance than unstructured interviewing. That is why most..
Cyprus unemployment has been steadily increasing monthly since 2008 and is getting closer to double digits (January 2012 Eurostat figure – 9.6%). However there are..